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Christmas Is Coming...

Updated: Dec 24, 2018

Christmas is coming, and the goose is getting fat. Except it isn’t the only thing getting fat, is it? This is one of the four “danger” zones of the year, that I always try to warn my personal training clients about. They are; Christmas, Easter, birthdays, and holidays. They’re the main times of the year when everyone tends to overindulge, and take time off exercise. A nasty combination. Easter is chocolate and family time. Birthdays are cake, booze, time for me time. Holidays are dining out, drinking through the day, and probably relaxing on a sun lounger the majority of the time time.

And Christmas is a killer. People regularly take a week or two off, and that includes exercise. Exercise that might be keeping their heads above water. Then there’s the mountain of food. The time of year that eating several courses for dinner is acceptable. Desert is one of the most important of those courses. And we do that for several days. That’s not even including the chocolate and sweets around that. The time of year that eating a chocolate orange or mince pie for breakfast is acceptable. Then more just before bedtime. And that’s not even including the amount of alcohol some people will drink. The time of year when drinking a sherry or Buck’s Fizz for breakfast is acceptable. Then more just before bedtime. Maybe we’ll just quietly ignore the family related stress too, and the affect that can have on the body… But it’s ok, it’s not like right after Christmas, there’s another celebration of indulgence like New Year’s Eve. Ah.

Now obviously I’m not being a Scrooge, I’m not saying don’t enjoy yourself, I enjoy myself during these times too. I mean, I don’t stop working out, but I understand not everyone has that drive. Or even the ability, given a lot of gyms do close down during festive periods. What I’m trying to highlight is the amount our normal lives might change for these little occasions, and that you may not even consider that. Most people probably don’t really know what they do, the extent to which they overindulge. They’re times to enjoy yourself, to stop counting, to stop taking note, to not worry about that. But then don’t be shocked when you pop yourself on the scales after two weeks! It’s amazing, and not necessarily in a good way, the affect you can have on your body in such a short period. Anyone who’s ever taken a few weeks off training knows just how much of an impact that can have on where they were. Yes, we have muscle memory, but it still takes time for the body to remember. And body fat is the same. If you’re eating more than you’re burning, if you’re in a calorie surplus, you’re going to start putting on weight and body fat. And it is surprisingly easy for the average person to stray into the realms of a calorie surplus. Let’s be honest, most people are already deeply entrenched in that realm the rest of the year anyway, when there’s no active encouragement to eat and drink to excess! So, these times are just making things worse. It can be really disheartening to make a sudden jump in the wrong direction, it might not take much to question whether all your hard work the rest of the year is worth it, when it can be undone so easily. But you’re probably not understanding just how much you’re consuming. It all adds up. And that lack of exercise and mobility is less to subtract.

I guess what I’m trying to say is be aware of these events. Plan for them throughout the year. You want to enjoy yourself, then make sure that you’ve been putting in the work and effort the other 47/48 weeks of the year. That way you’re not cursing everything come the 1st of January, you’re not having to desperately do a tonne of work to undo that damage. It’s not taking a half-hearted New Year’s Resolution for you to do something about it. And we all know how they often go. Try and be a little bit more sensible during the danger zones, mostly watch your boozing, and try not to eat just for the sake of eating. But remember, you also have the rest of the year to fix it, so don’t stress yourself out if things go a little sideways.

Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. I’ll still be back next week.

Dan Miller

Body Fuel Personal Fitness Trainer


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