Going Viral
Well, this is fun, isn't it!?! I hope you're all coping with lockdown, this is the time when people are likely to eat and drink a lot...
Well, this is fun, isn't it!?! I hope you're all coping with lockdown, this is the time when people are likely to eat and drink a lot...
Someone showed me an article recently that stated, food labels should be required to tell you how much exercise it takes to burn off...
There are 168 hours in a week. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? It is, really. Today is going to be twofold; I’m going to explain why...
Yep, it’s another one of these. Another entry about calories. Hopefully, it’s starting to sink in. I’ve actually seen some segments about...
Today, I’m going to look at fasted versus non-fasted cardio, but as a by-product, touch on intermittent fasting as well. Fasted cardio...
Cut it down, don’t cut it out. Far too often, the advice when, you’re looking to lose weight especially, is to cut this out, or cut that...
Never give up. Success might be just around the corner. It often is. Particularly when it comes to health and fitness. We’ll all have...
It’s time to start thinking about your future. I’m not talking about finance, or even the distant future, but Christmas is about eight...
Correlation does not equal causation. What does that mean? Well, correlation is a statistical relationship between two things, but the...
Stay away from the scales. Please. Particularly if you’re the type of person who will get obsessed with them, and every number they throw...
What do you specialise in? As a personal trainer, it’s one of those questions I’ve been asked a lot. A lot. And to be honest, it’s a pet...
So, you’ve achieved your goals. First of all, congratulations. It takes a lot of effort and commitment to reach your goals, and you...
Your mental health is important. Just as important as your physical health, maybe even more so, but I think they also complement each...
When should you work out? I mean, the answer is whenever you can, just make sure you get it done. But I don’t think that’s really what’s...
Fitness should be fun, or at least it should be viewed as a positive thing. Far too often, I hear people talking about it negatively. And...
"My friend said…[usually insert some ridiculous statement, or some mad theory they read on the internet]." Social media and the internet...
Congratulations, you’re pregnant! Or maybe you’re just planning for it. Either way, you’ll probably have some questions about fitness and...
I was having a discussion with someone recently, who shall remain nameless, and we were talking about how they were putting on weight, or...
Your brain is important too. If I’m honest, probably more important than your body. It controls everything. Everything your body does is...
You don’t know my journey. Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, who is well worth following on social media by the way, said something recently that...